
Becoming a 'Twit'

I signed up to twitter the other week, it's pretty rubbish really. I only have a few followers and one of them is 'the sex shop' whatever that is. The bad things about twitter for me so far are as follows

  • The majority of my 'tweets' are food related
  • I am not a celebrity thus rendering I lack 'fans'
  • It is highly addictive and even though you know no one will see it you tweet something anyway
  • I should probably be more cautious of letting my personal details and life story be known on the Internet after my stalker from work found me on facebook and has bombarded me with emails, he said to me the other week "you're the nicest person I've ever met", "you're such a good friend to me, one of my closest friends" and 'I just don't know what I would do without you"which suggests if I don't add him as a facebook friend he will top himself. The only sort of contact I've had with him is him coming into the shop literally every weekend three times a day, hanging around not buying anything, asking me a load of pointless questions while I'm trying to work and breathing heavily while staring at me.


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